VA for a Day 

is for you if...

You need an extra pair of hands

for your business or your project but you're not able to invest in a full or part-time assistant

You're so busy with clients

you haven't had time to get yourself organised or tackle your own business admin

You want to get your processes automated

but suffering from tech overwhelm and all the different options out there

You have shiny, new technology

but you're too busy to learn how to use it or to get your business set up in it efficiently 

You need answers

to burning tech issues and process problems that have been bothering you for a while

You have a short term project

and you need a helping hand to get it off the ground

I'm here to make your life easier!

If you're overwhelmed by your 'To do' list and feeling like there just aren't enough hours in the day, I can help business owners like you kick-start getting organised or flying through the list of dreaded tasks you've been putting off for a one-time fee, rather than a recurring commitment.  With one extremely productive day, we can tackle all your burning tech issues, sort out your website, finally get your systems and processes automated or maybe start work on that project that still needs to be planned!

Ready to get started? Select a date that works for you!

Here's how it works...

Choose A Date

You choose a date in my booking scheduler that works for you and book your VA for a Day package directly into my calendar. This secures you exclusive access to me & my VA skills for the day!

Make A List

Start making a list of all the things you'd like to get off your plate, big or small... (If you're not sure what I could help you with, try my ideas below for inspiration!) On the pre-call we can work out the priority order.

A Call Beforehand

We'll have a call beforehand to discuss what could be done, get all the requirements needed and make sure we have a clear plan so there's no time wasted on the day trying to get access.

On The Day

When the day arrives, with unlimited contact with me and a clear plan, you can enjoy having your own VA for a Day on call and marvel at your disappearing 'To Do' list!

A Few Things I Can Help With

Inbox Detox

Get your overflowing mailbox back under control, organise your folders, remove spam, tips and tricks for keeping it under control

Email Marketing

Help you build your subscriber list, create lead magnets and newsletter templates, automate your email sequences, and add pop up forms to your website


Make you a landing page like this one! Quick fixes or optimise your site, add a membership area and payment plans, conduct a security audit, improve your SEO, fix broken links & plugins

Workflows & Project Planning

Automate common workflows, organise business processes, make your programs and apps play nicely with each other

Social Media, Content Creation & Blogs

Create branded content for your platforms, and schedule it in advance, optimise your blogs with images, backlinks & keywords

Task Management

Organise your task management and project list, add reminders, automate regular items, show you how to save time

CRMs & Customer Databases

Get a new system set up, help you capture leads and create a sales pipeline, tidy up data, import client lists into a program

Video editing

Make short branded social media videos for your business, edit your videos, add titles and Call To Actions, upload to your YouTube channel

... and many more - let me know your pressing issues on the pre-call and I'll do my best to accommodate them!

"Green Tree has been an amazing support for my business, Little Red Creative Studios, in the short time working together we have achieved so much. Orla has a calming and reassuring energy which has allowed me to relax and see things in a clearer and more organised fashion, she's been amazing and I highly recommend her!"

Why choose 

VA for a Day?


Find out if working with a VA is right for you, and enjoy the experience of having a helping pair of hands for your business, without any long term contracts or commitments.


With over 25 years of experience in Business Administration, IT, Project and Account Management and having worked with SMEs and entrepreneurs across a wide range of industries, I'll use my experience to help you whatever your situation is.


Specialising in all things tech, I can help with everything from building websites to email marketing, fixing issues or making improvements, whatever your program or platform.

How much is 

VA for a Day 

and what do you get? 

VA for a Day

You can secure your VA for a Day for £290 for the whole package:


Choose a date and make a payment on booking


If you'd like to ask some questions before booking your VA for a Day package, or if you'd like to discuss payment plan options, then please email me at

About Me

I'm Orla Nicholls, a professional Personal Assistant turned Virtual Assistant, specialising in all things tech - and owner of Green Tree Virtual Solutions. With over 25 years’ experience in Business Administration, Project, Event and Account Management and as a C-Suite Personal Assistant at an FTSE 100 Company, I set up my own VA business at the beginning of 2020 and (pandemic and world news aside) I am loving every minute of it!

I can help streamline your business processes and lighten your load by clearing the tasks which have been on your to-do list for some time, helping you achieve a better work life balance, scale your business and increase your productivity by implementing the right processes and systems.

I am a member of multiple business networks, professionally insured and registered with the ICO as a Data Processor.

Find out more about my Techie VA services & Website business: 

Green Tree Virtual Solutions

"Orla recently helped me implement a new sales funnel alongside everything thatcomes with that for my business. She made the whole process of the tech side of things just effortless. At every stage of the project she was one step ahead of me and I'm so pleased with the work and her design. Thank you so much - I would highly recommend Orla and her services."

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